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May 3, 20205 min read
Zante: Day 1 – 31.08.16……………A shave too close!
Sunday afternoon and the excitement was mounting. The Hokey Cokey packing had been done.......honestly I think the older one gets the...
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May 3, 20204 min read
Zante: Day 2 – 01.09.16…………. Fanny to the rescue!
It wasn't the best sleep we've ever had. We decided not to pay for air conditioning, well at €60 a week we decided it was a tad...
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May 3, 20203 min read
Zante: Day 3 - 02.09.16………….Choo Choo train, running down the track!
We woke up feeling very refreshed.......Fanny had done us proud and was still going strong even when we opened up the doors to let the...
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May 3, 20204 min read
Zante: Day 4 - 03.09.16………….Maice's non-alcoholic day!
Breakfast as usual was taken on our balcony and consisted of the usual; yogurt and fruit. The talk turned to our first excursion of the...
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May 3, 20203 min read
Zante: Day 5 – 04.09.16……………A hairy day at the beach!
After another delicious breakfast of yogurt and fruit was consumed we decided to have a beach day as sitting around the pool was proving...
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May 3, 20203 min read
Zante: Day 6 – 05.09.16………….A quite day at sea!
Ahoy there one million tourists! A holiday isn't a holiday without a day at sea......all that sun, sand and relaxing. Actually, it...
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May 3, 20202 min read
Zante: Day 7 - 06.09.16…………The return of the third nipple
The days seem to blending into one and we can't seem to decipher which day we did what, but we think today, Day 7 we went to the...
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May 3, 20205 min read
Zante: Day 8 – 07.09.16…………Has any body seen Satnav Steve?
Pearl and I had deliberately not drunk too much of the old vino last night as today we had to be responsible adults and drive us all...
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May 3, 20204 min read
Zante: Day 9 – 08.09.16………….Whoever pinched our sun, can we please have it back!
We woke up to find big black clouds in place of blue skies, heard the thunder rolling in the distance and raindrops falling, at first...
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May 3, 20203 min read
Zante: Day 10 – 09.09.16…………..The sun has got its hat on!
We awoke this morning to blue skies and warm temperatures which is great as it's Pearl and Dianne's last full day before they go home...
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May 3, 20205 min read
Zante: Day 11 – 10.09.16…………The day the rains came......again!!
We woke up today to thunder and lighting and the hills or mountains were covered in low lying cloud.........must be because Pearl and...
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May 3, 20204 min read
Zante: Day 12 – 11.09.16…………….Oh what a beautiful morning 😎!
The sun is shining in the sky, there ain't a cloud in sight, it's stopped raining, and don't you know it's a beautiful new day. Hey,...
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May 3, 20203 min read
Zante: Day 13 - 12.09.16…………..Where's our lunch?
We had anticipated a very windy night but surprisingly all was calm in the M&A apartment except for Maice's arms and one leg that had...
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May 3, 20204 min read
Zante: Day 14 – 13.09.16…………Tripadvisor here we come!
Our last full day in resort meant an early start, 7.30am to be precise and a walk to the beach for our early morning swim. Honestly, you...
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May 3, 20203 min read
Zante: Day 15 – 14.09.16……………Time to say goodbye!
It was a long night. I awoke at 4.09am and tossed and turned my way to 7.21am and didn't realise that Maice had done exactly the same. We...
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