We awoke this morning to blue skies and warm temperatures which is great as it's Pearl and Dianne's last full day before they go home tomorrow morning. It's hard to imagine how two days can be so different. To be honest we were expecting another day like yesterday and were contemplating taking the local bus into Zante town, also known as Plan B, but luckily we can now go with Plan A, the beach.
We headed off to the local beach just after breakfast, selected our sunbeds and didn't move except to swim and eat. What a relaxing time we had.
Whilst Pearl and Dianne packed, Maice and I deliberated what to wear for our Meze evening at the Bliss bar. I had brought with me this very nice white chiffony long blouse type top, purchased from my local charity shop, and a pair of floaty shorts, purchased from Goulds at a bargain price of £10. Unfortunately, when I purchased them they were a wee bit on the tight side and of course with all the good food and copious giraffes of wine consumed my waistband has expanded somewhat. So I did the only thing a girl in my position could do.......I took my hairdressing scissors, which I had brought with me to cut my fringe (if required) and cut a bit of the elastic out of the back, creating a big hole in the material. Having completely ruined a good pair of evening shorts, I tried them on and they were still tight! I still wore them and hoped I didn't need to go to the loo too often as they were extremely difficult to hitch up and down. They were also very uncomfortable in the 'downstairs department' when in a sitting position. Honestly, the things one has to go through in the name of vanity!
The five of us eventually set off to the Bliss Bar, that's Pearl, Dianne, Maice, me and our newly acquired 'selfie stick'. Honestly, you have to get one, it's been a great source of amusement to us on this holiday. We have spent hours with it, making daft poses, trying to get the perfect photo of us all, but to no avail.......we're still trying! In the end we gave up and asked a random guy to take a picture of us!
We had a lovely evening in the Bliss bar. The meze was lovely, the two giraffes of wine were consumed with gusto, we had a table singalong and it was a great way to spend our last evening of togetherness.
Returning to our apartments we decided to go and collect our 'prize' from Dennis for getting the answer to his logical conundrum correct and he gave us two shots each of Metaxa brandy which I must say went down very well.
We eventually retired to our rooms where Maice and I felt compelled to make a shopping list of provisions that would see us through to the end of our holiday. We had also consulted our very own weather oracle 'Pearl' who every day had told us what the weather was going to be like for the next day. As with the other day we had Plan A and Plan B.....so who knew which Plan we would be going with the next day.
Night all…
D,M,A,P xxxx