It wasn't the best sleep we've ever had. We decided not to pay for air conditioning, well at €60 a week we decided it was a tad expensive, so we thought we'd see how we got on without it for one night. I must say, it was not one of our best decisions! The room was hotter than a sauna, it was stuffy and to top it all, just to put paid to any suggestion of being able to sleep, the swimming pool, which was outside our window made these loud gurgling noises every fifteen minutes and the man in the room next door snored for most of the night. Not gentle up and down snores but really guttural, nasal, like an airplane taking off snores which well and truly kept us awake. At 4am, enough was enough and we opened the balcony doors to let in the cool morning air. Unfortunately it also accentuated Mr Snorer's snoring and it now felt like he was in the room with us.......honestly, you just can't win sometimes! Goodness knows what state his poor wife was in! Earplugs and a fan it is then for the rest of the holiday!
We managed a few hours sleep, got up about 7.3am and set off to the bakery to buy our loaf of bread for breakfast and also thought we'd stop off somewhere for a coffee. Bakery number one was closed. Closed! I ask you, are not bakeries supposed to open very early in the morning? Obviously not this one! Bakery number two was open but didn't have any bread. No bread! I ask you, are not bakeries supposed to sell bread? Obviously not this one! So we trundled on down the 'high road' and came to bakery number three. This one had about ten loaves on the shelves so we bought one and made our way back, completely forgetting all about having coffee.
Breakfast was a fine affair which we took on Diane's balcony. Bread, ham and cheese, boiled eggs......they had just been boiled and were that hot we couldn't even peel them, and some fruit. It was all very nice as we sat there taking in the wonderful mountain views....the only trouble was Diane's balcony was facing the sun and it was sweltering. Breakfast at our's from now on as our balcony is in the shade in the mornings.
The general consensus over breakfast was to make our way down to the beach for the day so we did just that, found a nice spot, settled down and did absolutely nothing. Honestly, turning over became such an effort. Oh but how glorious the beach and the sea was. The sea is so clear and shallow and warm........it was super to just swim and splash around and 'be on holiday'.
We finally decided to be energetic and walked the 15 yards and up the seven steps to the taverna for lunch. My word, what an effort that was. A Mythos beer was urgently required to revive us and it did just that. We enjoyed a Greek salad and then made our way back to our sunbed's for part two of our day on the beach. We all concurred that the sport of sunbathing was a tiring affair. I'm sure if it was introduced as an Olympic sport we would get the gold, silver and bronze.
All too soon it was time to head back to the apartments where Maice and I surpassed ourselves by swimming well over ten lengths before heading off to the bar for another Mythos beer. Pearl and I practiced our Greek on both Dennis the owner and his son, Pericles and asked for recommendations on the best things to do and see on the island. Dennis promptly gave us an impromptu 'welcome meeting' in Greek, which although it was 'all greek' to Maice and Diane, Pearl and I understood. With a plan in hand we made our way to our rooms to get ready for the evening. Maice and I decided to hire a fan, a bargain at €20 a week which was delivered to our room and which we have christened 'fanny', the most obvious choice of name, we thought. So with Fanny doing her job and keeping the room cool, Pearl and Diane turned up for vodka and gin aperitifs and the start of the Canadian Rummy tournament. Having explained the rules to Diane she finally 'got it' after about an hour and our first session ended with me in the lead and a grumpy Maice who came third.
We finally set off in search of a dining establishment and came across a taverna whose speciality was lamb with honey, ordered a ‘giraffe’ of wine and enjoyed a lovely meal. Diane, who was slightly on the tipsy side started flirting with the two Greek guys on the table opposite. We think the alcohol has blurred her vision as they certainly hadn't been gifted with the looks of Adonis! Never mind, having set a challenge to Maice to find and use the smallest facility she promptly headed off to the kiddies toilet, I kid you not, which was next to the ladies and gents loo and it was the tiniest toilet you could find. So having relieved herself we returned to our apartment for a nightcap.
Although we now had Fanny in the room we decided to keep the balcony doors open, closed the curtains and as we were on the ground floor we set up a barricade with our suitcases, just in case of burglars. I dozed off pretty quickly but apparently Maice heard a knocking at the door which for some reason she chose to ignore. About five minutes later she heard a commotion on the balcony and went to investigate. As she opened the curtains she got the shock of her life as she came face to face with Dennis, who was using 'Rock', our 'table ornament' that we had picked up from the beach earlier that day, to attract our attention. Bless him, he only wanted to warn us not to sleep with our doors open in case of burglars. So with Fanny on full blast we closed the doors, said good night and hoped for a better nights sleep!
Καλή νύχτα ….
M,A,P,D xxxx