The days seem to blending into one and we can't seem to decipher which day we did what, but we think today, Day 7 we went to the beach......no surprises there then!
As usual, breakfast was served on our balcony; yogurt parfait, melba toast, cheese and ham all washed down with a nice glass of fruit juice and as usual we deliberated about which beach to go to. We eventually decided on the beach close by where we caught the 'glass bottom boat' the day before. We set off, our bags laden with all the paraphernalia required for a day on the beach and were fortunate to grab four sunbed's right on the waters edge.
The sea was so calm and clear and absolutely delicious that it was a real delight to sunbathe and swim all day. Of course we did have an interlude half way through and made our way up to the taverna for our usual Greek salad and Mythos beer which we enjoyed overlooking the bay. What a glorious day, made even more worthwhile that we didn't have to pay for our sunbeds. It was whilst we were busy doing nothing that both Dianne and Maice became aware of their 'third nipples'. Indeed, Diane's was so big it covered almost all her arm......whilst Maice's was a mere nipple-aki in comparison! Pearl and I were hoping we wouldn't end up in the clinic with these two nipple laden beings like I did last year!
All too soon it was time to head back to the apartments, shower, change, enjoy our aperitifs and head off somewhere for supper, but there was the next dilemma......where to go for supper! After a few more G&T and V&C's, deliberations, suggestions and ideas we plumped for The Olive Tree, which we had passed many times and thought looked rather authentic. I must say we all concluded that, even though we enjoyed the meal, the waiters were a tad odd, to say the least. We won't be going back there again, that's for sure!
So there endeth what we think was day seven. All very quite from this part of the world. We've got a car booked for tomorrow and we'll be doing a tour of the island so who knows what we might get up to on the roads of Zante!
Sleep well…
M,A,D,P xxxx