Lesbos: Day 1 – 24.05.19……..The holiday that almost never was!
We stopped off at Lidl’s on the way to the airport to stock up on some ‘in-fresco’ provisions for our Gatwick hotel; four rolls,...
Lesbos: Day 1 – 24.05.19……..The holiday that almost never was!
Lesbos: Day 2 – 25.05.19..........and relax!
Lesbos: Day 3 – 26.05.19…….Oh dear! Its all coming back to us!
Lesbos: Day 4 – 27.05.19………A trip to the mid-west, wherever that may be!
Lesbos: Day 5 – 28.05.19………….Yoga to cover all eventualities!
Lesbos: Day 6 – 29.05.19………Maice and her plums!
Lesbos: Day 7 – 30.05.19….....The calm before the storm!
Lesbos: Day 8 – 31.05.19………..it’s a ‘Durrells’ kinda’ day!
Lesbos: Day 9 – 01.06.19…….. Pinch punch its the first day of the month and we’re coming home!