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Jun 19, 20246 min read
Corfu Day 11 - 17-06.24: It’s a new dawn, a new day…..and our last day in Corfu!
So, when we got to bed last night sometime between 12.30am and 13.30am we’re not quite sure of the time apparently I flopped onto the...
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Jun 17, 20244 min read
1Corfu - Day 10 16-06-24: The ‘short-cut’ that wasn’t and other stories…..!
It was the penultimate day of our holiday and we were going to make the most of it. The plan according to M&A went like this……breakfast,...
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Jun 16, 20244 min read
Corfu Day 9 - 15-06-24: We’re being spontaneous and going off plan!
The one thing about sleeping with the air-con on other than waking up cold is trying to stave off a cold. Each morning I’ve been waking...
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Jun 15, 20245 min read
Corfu Day 8 - 14.06.24: Photo-bombing at its best!
After Maice’s dalliance with Elvis in the rain last night surprisingly we didn’t get too wet. The only casualty from the rain was Maices...
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Jun 14, 20246 min read
Corfu - Day 7 13-06-24: It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn…it’s a new coffee bar!
We woke at 7am and through the shutters, instead of bright sunshine we saw only darkness. Mmm, this doesn’t bode well, we thought. We...
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Jun 13, 20245 min read
Corfu - Day 5 11-06-24: It was a day that just kept giving!
We woke up at 4.30am absolutely frozen. We’d had the air-con on all night to keep the mosquitos at bay, which seemed to work, but it...
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Jun 11, 20245 min read
Corfu - Day 4 10-06-24: We made a plan……now that’s a fact!
There’s only so much time you can spend lounging about on a sun-bed on the beach so today’s the day we’re going to do an activity. We...
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