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Lesbos: Day 8 – 31.05.19………’s a ‘Durrells’ kinda’ day!


We promised ourselves we’d pamper our faces on our last day. What with a week of sun and wind on our faces they certainly needed it to keep their youthful complexions. So that’s exactly what we did after our last session on the beach. We applied our Garnier Moisture Bomb face masks, lay on the bed for an hour and let it work it’s magic. Honestly, you should all pack one when you go on holiday, you really will reap the benefits just like we do!

Having missed our yoga sessions yesterday we made sure we did two this morning, a twenty five minute ‘Feel Good Yoga’ and a ten minute ‘Care for Yourself Yoga’ keeping with the ‘we deserve to pamper ourselves on our last day’ mantra. In fact it’s a day of lasts today. It’ll be the last time we go to the beach, the last time we swim in the sea, the last time we enjoy our Greek salad and Mythos lunch, and the last time we drink our favourite Pina Coladas. We can’t believe it’s come to the end of our holiday and we’re off home tomorrow. So, we’re going to make the most of our last day and enjoy every minute of it.

We went down to breakfast and sat in our usual spot. We’ll certainly miss this view when we’re back home. Somehow breakfasting on my balcony overlooking an office block doesn’t quite have the same appeal! After breakfast we prepared ourselves for our sunbathing session, eeking out the last drops of suntan cream, packed our bags and set off to the beach. We’ve noticed that everywhere we walk around here has the feel of The Durrells unspoilt Greece about it. In the field opposite the hotel we stopped and watched bales of hay being made, the machine ‘pooing out’, Maices phraseology, not mine, perfectly formed rectangular hay-bales.

The next field we passed was full of sheep still wearing their winter coats, huddled together under the shade of a tree, most of them standing up asleep. In the next field down we watched a crow as it wrestled with and eventually tugged something out of the grass.

We thought it might be a worm but turned out to be some sort of grass snake and was about eighteen inches long. Fortunately the snake won the battle and managed to escape. On the road we were fascinated by an army of very industrious ants that were busy moving grasses four times larger than then were from one side of the road to the other. Amazing. We had a quick chat with Edwin, Yan’s friend who was busy opening up his tourist shop when all of a sudden there was a commotion as a dog cornered a cat and a scrap ensued. Thankfully the cat managed to escape up a nearby tree otherwise I would have felt compelled to intervene. Gosh, it was all going on this morning. I must say the dogs and cats seem to get on very well here and it’s the first time we’ve seen any form of aggression between the two species. We’ve noticed the majority of dogs seem to be from the same parentage........they look like a corgi, they have small legs like a corgi, they have the same colouring and markings as a corgi but big rotund bellies like a Pot-Bellied Pig. Despite this mis-match they’re quite cute particularly as they waddle when they walk.

We got down to the beach and look, our sunbeds were waiting for us and once again we were the first there. The sea wasn’t like a millpond today and there was a very gentle breeze causing a ripple effect on the water but the best thing about it was......absolutely no Greek school children. What a relief. The breeze soon changed into a warm wind and when the sea started to get choppy we took that as a sign that it was time for lunch. The usual Greek salad and Mythos beer were consumed before spending our last hour on the beach and then all too soon our last sunbathing session ended and before we knew it we were back home packing and applying our face masks.

We set off at 7.45pm to the resort for our last supper in Skala Kallonis and thought back to this time last Saturday when we’d got home after a liquid lunch and were in bed at 7.45pm! We’d decided we were eating at Caprice Tavernatonight, the place where we usually have lunch and already knew what we were going to order. A bottle of wine, octopus souvlaki for me and swordfish for Maice. We were chatting to the owner about the school children yesterday. Apparently they didn’t have any forewarning that they were coming so they coped really well. Apparently next Wednesday there’s going to be 400 school children arriving at the beach.......thank goodness we won’t be there, I can imagine it’s going to be a hellish kind of day.

After supper we made our way to the Vista bar, enjoyed two Pina Coladas, one given to us by Yan and said our goodbyes to Saskia, Rosa and Yan. They’re looked after us so well we’re going to give them an excellent write up on trip advisor and Facebook.

We were home by eleven, having enjoyed our last day. Now we’ve got a lot to do for the morning so......καλή νύχτα.....

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