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Canada September 2024 - Day 6: The case of the wrong trousers and other tales!


We were late getting up this morning, 6.30am to be exact as we were tired, very tired, due probably to all the eating, drinking, shopping and socialising we’ve been doing since we got here.  The plan for today was of course to participate in our daily yoga routine, go on a brisk walk around town, meet up with Tara and hit the consignment shops then go to the cinema. So, first things first. Yoga. We completed our twenty minute yoga session (to be honest I’m so pleased they’re not any longer as I don’t think my knee joints can handle any more downward facing dog poses) then changed into our walking outfits and set off. Before we arrived here in Kelowna the weather had been hot with temperatures into the mid thirties however since we arrived the weather changed, the temperatures plummeted by at least 15 degrees, it was cloudy, it rained and it was rather on the chilly side. Today, at last we had clear blue skies, and even though it was still chilly when we left for our walk, we managed to brave it in short sleeved t-shirts.  We walked east, down Gordon to KLO, zig-zagged to Gyro beach, swung on the swings, busted some shadow shapes in the sand, paddled in the lake and went in search of a cafe we’ve not been to yet and found Blenz. Admittedly it was our most expensive coffee at $12, but they were lovely cappuccinos plus they were hot and they were served in big cups. We’d taken a few photos during our walk and as I went to put my phone in the knee pocket of my trousers I thought that’s strange it wasn’ there. So what had happened to that then? Turns out I’d only gone and put Maice’s trousers on by mistake 🤣🤣🤣.

Tara came round after breakfast and took us on an outing to the consignment shops which of course we were both very excited about. We went to the more casual wear consignment shops first deciding to leave the designer outfits consignment shop till last.  Of course as luck would have it we found a number of items of clothing we just couldn’t resist and just had to purchase! We’re just hoping we can fit everything into our suit cases, but if they don’t, as the saying goes…..where’s there’s a will there’s a way!  After two hours of trying on clothes and feeling rather weary in the process we decided to find somewhere to have coffee before heading off to the cinema. Tim Hortons was really the only place around so we ordered 3 drinks ‘to go’ and parked up outside the cinema. We were an hour early for the film so we stayed seated in the car and decided to play Dutch Blitz as we still weren’t sure of the rules since we played it yesterday.  As you can imagine we were getting in a right muddle with trying to a) balance the cards on our legs b) stop the cards from falling onto the floor and c) trying to keep one’s body from twisting too much in order to see all the cards. Fortunately we managed to improvise with various ‘flat’ objects we found in the car which was much better and the cards more or less remained in place. After rereading the instructions numerous times and playing a couple of games we think we’ve cracked it, although we are a bit confused with the scoring element and we do get confused with the names of the ‘piles’ of cards each player has. There’s the ‘post’ pile, the ‘wood’ pile, the ‘blitz’ pile and the Dutch pile and it’s important not to mix them up when it comes to the scoring, because at the end of the day it’s all to do with the size of your piles! I don’t know what people thought when they passed the car seeing three grown women get super excited and animated playing a card game but it’s such a fast paced game and great fun that you can’t help get excited when playing it. We definitely recommend it and if anyone understands the instructions, do let us know!

We were the only three people in the cinema, which was fine by us. We had our popcorn, we’d brought  our blankets in case the air-con was too cold, we reclined our seats and lay down, ready for the film. We were here to watch Blink Twice, no spoilers here but although its listed as a psychological thriller it was a strange film and quite not what we expected particularly as both Channing Tatum and Naomi Ackie had been on the One Show discussing it and it sounded really good. Alex Jones, the shows host even said it was a really good film, although I’m sure she had to say that considering both actors were sat in front of her! Again, no spoilers but thankfully a) the music in the film was good b) it was great music when the credits went up at the end and we danced up and down the aisles much to the amusement of the cinema steward and c) it was light when we exited the cinema so it didn’t seem to scary. We did come home however and poured ourselves a stiff drink, you know, for medicinal purposes.

We showed Myrna our consignment shop purchases, Tara then left and the three of us enjoyed a lovely supper of cucumber salad made by Myrna which was absolutely delicious, cheese on toast and corn cobs… was delicious.

We played a couple of games of Sequence and talk soon turned to our lovely pets. Sir Winston seems to be having a great time hanging out in Wool with Jane, Mike and Geordie with Jane posting pictures of their daily outings. It looks quite sunny back in Wool as there’s lots of photos of Winston sunning himself in a sunbeam. Alison from Purrfect Cattery always posts photos of her ‘holidaymakers’ every Sunday and also captured Milly in a sunbeam. And then there’s Myrna’s two one-year old kitty-cats who are both bigger than Milly and Sir Winston put together! They’re such lovely cats who make a lot of noise running around chasing each other and happy to report they’re slowly getting used to us being in ‘their’ home. So here’s a shout out to all our pets……Happy Sunday and we love you all 🥰.

M&A xx

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