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Afitos: Day 9 - 10.09.27…………….Let sleeping hats and dogs lie!


We had arranged to meet this morning at Rock about ten-ish, so as Maice and I are closest to the beach we got there first and 'bagged' our four sunbeds next to our lovely Rock. He's very attractive you know, he seems to draw all and sundry to him, young and old, men, women and children all thinking they're some sort of model as they 'strike a pose''s all very amusing to watch. We all made our attempt at striking a pose on Rock and wonder if it will make it into Vogue?

P&D arrived shortly after our 'photo shoot', we ordered our frappes and settled down to a morning of sunbathing. Gosh it was hot. We've been fortunate the past week as we've had a lovely breeze that's made sunbathing an enjoyable experience but today there's no wind, well not in the air anyway (more about that later), and the temperature had gone up considerably so we were literally baking, sending us in and out of the water every fifteen minutes or so to cool down. There was nothing else for it, we placed our order with the waiter and our ice-cold Mythos beers arrived in an ice bucket.....ah, what more could we ask for. We huddled around the bucket for a while, admiring its contents before opening our beers and enjoying each gulp. It certainly refreshed the parts other beers cannot, wrong advert! Mythos, probably the best lager in the world, no, wrong advert again, but no worries, it definitely tasted like it!

We tuned into Miss 'Russian Diva's conversation which was all about herself, she's our sunbed neighbour by the way. We’d previously been party to her 'strike a pose' photo shoot next to Rock......she really was acting like a spoilt diva, it was quite amusing to watch and listen to. We were then joined by 'beach-dog' who came looking for shade and solace from the sun, dug himself a pit and proceeded to fall asleep in it. Bless him, he looked quite content in his dog made doggy bed! We let our sleeping dog lie with us for the rest of the afternoon and all too soon it was time to go. We gave beach-dog the last of our water, said goodbye to him and Rock, and set off.

Once home, we realised we were completely out of bottled water so Maice volunteered to get some from the local mini-market. What a state she was in when she arrived back......she appeared to be having a major hot flush and spent the next 15 minutes trying to cool herself down. If only the fridge was big enough she could have sat in there for a few minutes to cool down. I must say, our mini-fridge not only cools everything down, it freezes it too. Even though the setting is at it's lowest our water bottles still come out frozen solid and we have to thaw them out on the balcony. Never mind, at least it works! So back to Maice's 'hot flush'. It certainly had an effect on her internal system for it seems to have caused her a severe bout of flatulence, I kid you not! I have to admit I myself had been suffering some flatulence since our arrival, but I believe this was one of the side-effects of the concoction of pills I was taking for my back, which incidentally is so much better. I have obviously handed over the flatulence baton to Maice who has accepted the hand-over in style and I'm sure won't disappoint!

We were off out tonight, well, Maice and I were out but P&D were 'in' as we were off up to their place for a barbecue evening with 'live' Greek music. "Seven o'clock" Pearl said we had to be there......righto, no problem with that as we went about our pre-supper ritual.....shower, teeth, moisturise, lie-down for a while, exhausted by this flurry of activity, then G&T's and our continuing rummy tournament on the balcony and OMG, is that the's 7 o'clock!

We rushed to get ourselves into our 'going out' clothes, rushed around to get our bags, by which time Maice was suffering another hot-flush. We eventually made it out the door and set off up the long and winding road to P&D's place, Maice's arms outstretched the whole way to try and provide much needed ventilation to her over-heating body. We headed straight to the pool bar, as you do, and the four of us indulged in an aperitif in the shape of a bottle of wine. We began recounting the photo-shoots we'd encountered on the beach and with this in mind formed our own 'strike-a-pose' photos on the poolside sunbags, yes sunbags......similar to a sunbed but the bed is a large beanbag. Cristos, the barman, took control of Maice's Nikon SLR camera, I think he thought he was a budding David Bailey, and the four of us started our 'posing'. We did have a laugh and that was with only one bottle of wine consumed.

Eventually we joined the 'barbeque' diners at the outdoor restaurant where the group, a singer, a guitar player and a bouzouki/lyre player were playing and sat down to a really sumptuous meal. Maice had fish and the rest of us had lamb which we all said was delicious. The group were brilliant and when they started playing popular Greek dance music Angela, the waitress got everyone up to dance, the everyone being us four as the other diners were reluctant. Well, I must say, us four had a super time, actually, I should say the five of us had a super time as Maice had spotted a woman on her own at the back or the dining area so went and asked her to join our table. She was German and didn't speak a word of English, but did it matter? Not an iota! The scenario reminded me a bit of the scene in the film Shirley Valentine, where Shirley is rescued from lone-dining by Jeanette and Dougie from Manchester. Honestly, we had an amazing time......the group were excellent and played non-stop for five hours. Pearl was up on the table, we were Greek dancing, we were English dancing in fact we just struck some moves and hoped for the best. We had a 'totes-amaze' evening and totally exhausted, P&D walked the few hundred yards to their room whilst Maice and I walked down the long and winding road, singing and dancing as we went.......!

Night all….

M.A.P.D xxxx

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