We woke early, very early at 5am and discussed the previous evening. We both felt a bit guilty falling asleep as we did, leaving Myrna to talk to herself for the rest of the evening, but honestly we were that tired we couldn’t help it. As we were up so early we thought we’d head out early but by the time we’d faffed about it was 7.28am, our latest yet. It was a lot cooler this morning, just 18 degrees but unlike yesterday the sky was blue and it was a very clear day. We stopped off at the Bean Scene cafe for our morning cappuccino savouring each sip under the morning sun. We’ve realised why our coffees have been costing more than the price shown on the boards. Taxes are added onto the purchase price of all goods so you may think you’re getting a bargain but you have to remember to add the tax. Sneaky! We headed back to base where I was on breakfast duty and rustled us up some cheese and smoked salmon scrambled eggs on toast, which though I say so myself was most delicious.
Having already walked just over 10,000 steps Maice and I retraced our morning steps and headed to the strip mall to do a spot of shopping. It wasn’t a wasted journey as Maice bought a pair of shoes in the sale and I bought a necklace, not in the sale. I have to say the one thing that stands out here in Canada is that everyone is very friendly and laid back. Everyone says hello to you in the street (regardless of whether you have a dog or not) and staff in all the shops and grocery stores, cafés and bars, in fact everywhere will always greet you, say hello and engage in conversation with you. All the shop assistants we encountered were super friendly and helpful but not in your face and went out of their way to be of assistance. Unfortunately that kind of customer service is lacking somewhat back in the UK except of course at the ‘Horse with the Red Umbrella’ where you will always receive a warm welcome, albeit you won’t be asked if you’d like protein with you meal!
After our short shopping expedition we walked home in the heat of the day, no hats, no sunscreen, our feet were aching and we were tired. Myrna did suggest we take the car but no, we wanted to walk and get our steps in! Do we ever learn? My feet were aching more so as I was wearing my Dr Marten sandals which weigh a ton and which, I might add have been used by Myrna as door stops they’re that heavy!
This afternoon the three of us, amongst others were invited to T&D’s for a barb-y in their ‘yard’. We were the first to arrive at 4.30pm and made our acquaintances with Miller their humungous golden Labrador, their two kittens Captain and Morgan, their cat Marshmallow and another cat whose name we just can’t remember. We had the grand tour of their home and yard which is amazing, so full of character and is real quirky, it’s lovely. T&D love to entertain and you can tell this from the number of seating areas inside and outside the house plus they have an amazing games room. Gradually the others started to arrive…there was Andrew, Vicky and Barry, Melanie and Vickianna, Barb and Doug, Tricia and Jason and Kyran, Max, Aiden and Reid. So including us three, T&D, Kerris and Katana there was a grand total of twenty of us. We mingled, we chatted, we played a game called cornhole which incidentally Maice and I won, we ate some delicious food, we drank wine and a good time was had by all. T&D are wonderful hosts and certainly know how to entertain.
It was a super evening but all too soon it was over and we headed back home to our beds. We were tired, so it was lights out and looking forward to our spa day tomorrow. A bit of reflexology is just what our feet could do with right now…….ah what bliss!
M&A xx
A little footnote….
Well, we’ve been away for one week now and as you can tell we’re having a thoroughly good time. We’re very grateful to Alison at Purrfect Cattery and our friend Jane for sending photos and keeping us up to date with what Milly and Sir Winston are getting up to. We’ve shared a few photos with you here……x