At 3:30am my beauty sleep was rudely interrupted and I soon found myself standing in the middle of the garden in my wellies and coat supervising a Sir Winston who finally decided he needed a wee and a poo! It was quite eerie really, standing there listening to the silence of the night, or was it early morn? The mist had completely enveloped the sea and I could just make out the light from the lighthouse going round and round and hear the warning foghorns eerily sounding every 30 seconds. It was all very ethereal. Having completed his ablutions thankfully Sir Winston retreated into Maice’s bedroom and I continued my beauty sleep, uninterrupted.
One must wonder why we have so much ‘admin’ to do and to be fair we often ponder this ourselves however after having completed some more admin we arose from our beds at 9.30am and completed another yoga routine with Adrienne. Having worked up an appetite, on the menu this morning was mushrooms on toast, and if I do say so myself, t’was another successful breakfast, unfortunately the ‘success’ was short lived…..
Whilst opening the patio doors that lead onto the garden from the kitchen Maice was confronted with a puddle on the floor. It certainly wasn’t a Winston puddle so from whence had this puddle materialised. Using her detective skills and powers of perception she traced the puddle to the small counter top freezer where water was dripping out of it, down the cupboard doors where it was forming into an even bigger puddle on the floor. Alas, upon opening the freezer door she realised that the freezer was not switched on and furthermore it contained our Christmas dinner which was, by now a soggy mess! Our Christmas Day meal, our salmon wellington and the lobster thermidor couldn’t be rescued and ended up in the bin. Oh dear, it was a catastrophe! Declaring the area a crime scene Maice took it upon herself to lead the next stage of the ‘investigation’ and to determine who had switched off the freezer plug. The three suspects were not allowed to leave the premises until Maice, who was also a suspect had been interrogated. Sir Winston had a clear cut alibi, he was too small to reach up or jump up onto the counter top and switch the freezer off. Maice declared that she had not been near the toaster which just happened to be next to the freezer so it couldn’t possibly be her. It seemed that all fingers and paws were pointing to me! In my defence it was not my fault, it was the owners fault due to the plug for the freezer being next to the toaster and the toaster plug being next to the freezer! I mean, how ridiculous. So naturally, when I switched off the toaster at the wall I actually thought I was switching off the toaster, not once believing I had switched off the freezer. Oh well, these things happen!! Of course there was a silver lining to this soggy tale…. a) it happened on Christmas Eve when at least the shops were still open b) there was a M&S food hall in Mumbles and c) we could revisit the Gin & Juice bar for a well deserved cappuccino whilst we were in town. You see, every cloud!
The mist hadn’t risen and consulting the weather app it was going to be like this all day. Not to worry, we weren’t going for a walk walk, we were on a walk with a mission. We headed off down the hill and walked along the promenade straight to the Gin & Juice bar. Hey, what the hell, it’s Christmas Eve and due to the days catastrophic events, stuff the cappuccinos, we’re going to have a Christmas cocktail. We ordered a Rudloph’s Treat for Maice and a Drunken Deer for moi! After the morning we’ve just had they were a real treat. They were lovely cocktails but we both said that as soon as we stood up the alcoholic content seemed to head straight to our legs!
We made our way up to the M&S food hall where Maice was sent in to choose our alternative Christmas dinner. She emerged 25 minutes later with a bag of goodies. It’s bedlam in there, she said….couples are arguing, the staff are fraught, come on let’s get out of here. And that’s it. Christmas dinner has been saved by M&S, but not just any M&S, this was M&S Food-hall, Mumbles…..hurrah for M&S. We’ll drink to that!
We walked back along the prom, took Winston onto the beach for a runaround then went for coffee at The Lighthouse, a large cafe/restaurant/bar overlooking the lighthouse of all places. We were looking forward to returning home for our apple cake and Canyero salted caramel rum although I’m surprised there’s still any left the amount we’ve been drinking it.
After chilling out, Maice on the sofa, me on the chair Maice went to prepare the supper. Tonight we were having a cheese board again. Apparently Maice had left the cheese out earlier so that it could breathe and be served at room temperature. Well, how was I to know thats why the cheese was on top of the counter so in my endeavour to ‘keep things tidy’ of course I put it back in the fridge!! Ooops, silly moi! As you can imagine, supper was much later than we’d anticipated!
Later in the evening we had a FaceTime call with Pearl and Sandra, our friends from Scotland, we watched the end of Vera, having missed the ending yesterday and then took Winston out for his last walk to complete the days ablutions. We put on our wellies, we put on our hats and coats, we put on Winston’s coat we went out the front door, we got 150 yards and Winston declared he was having none of it. So that was it….we all had a walk round the garden instead! And, if he so much as wakes us up at 3.30am in the morning he is gonna be in big trouble…..BIG!
Nadolig Llawen pawb!
M&A and Sir Winston xxx
Plonker xxxx Merry Christmas to you both and Sir Winston xxx