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Day 8: Saturday 12.06.21 - In me Liverpool home………


Updated: Oct 2, 2023

We both woke early and became very industrious…..showering, writing blogs, sorting photos, and packing! We’ve decided we need to find a new website for our blogs as this one via Wix doesn’t seem to be working for us nor is it user friendly for our followers so if anyone out there has any ideas do let us know. Being IT illiterate we need something simple. That’s all, something simple that even we can use!

Down in the dining room we could tell S&A were trying to outshine the Haven House B&B breakfast what with their offer of a selection of cereals, juices and cooked items but to be honest neither of us were feeling that hungry. We did however have one of Andrews cappuccinos which was probably the best we’ve had on this trip. Neither of us have really enjoyed the cappuccinos on this road-trip so a visit to the Horse with the Red Umbrella on Monday morning is definitely on the cards.

We re-packed the car, said our goodbyes, hugged a lot and off we went, Maice in the driving seat, me in charge of the kitty purse and road atlas and SatNav Steve perched on my lap. We needed to head for the Mersey Tunnel but getting there was quite stressful even with SatNav Steve directing us. There were cars and buses coming at us from all directions. It was certainly a case of hold your breath and hope for the best! Once through the tunnel it was plain sailing to my mother’s but not before a detour to the local charity shop. This has to be the cheapest charity shop in the country and I‘ve always ended up buying something from here. As it turned out between us we purchased four items for the grand sum of £8! What a bargain!

The mother was ready and waiting to go out when we arrived so we bustled her, in slow motion, into the car and drove to New Brighton to the Seaside Cafe for our lunch of fish, chips and mushy peas. Ah, you can’t beat fish, chips and mushy peas at the seaside. Actually, I’m surprised we made it for lunch and not for tea such is the very slow ‘snails pace’ the mother walks! After our fish, chips and mushy peas we drove down to the Ice Cream van at Harrison Drive, ordered three 99’s and sat in the car eating them whilst watching the world go by. The mother loved it, well she is 93 after all! Maice and I just looked at each thinking this is what’s to come!!!

All too soon it was time to leave. Making sure the mother was safely deposited back in her flat we pointed the car south and headed to Dorset. Four hours fifty minutes it should take which meant we’d be back at 8pm but of course with a 50 mile an hour limit over an 18mile stretch of road works and a couple of comfort stops we didn’t get back until 9pm! Who cares, we were still on our road trip and that’s all part of the holiday experience.

We reminisced on the drive home about our week long road trip. As much as we would have loved to have been sunbathing on a Greek beach, drinking wine and eating a lovely crisp Greek salad we’ve been lucky to be given this opportunity to visit friends and family up and down the country and re-kindle friendships where we’ve lost touch. It’s been an absolutely fabulous week and feel blessed to have so many wonderful friends. We love them all x

We’re also absolutely amazed that we’ve sailed through this road trip with no mishaps……….why is that, we pondered. Is it careful planning or down to repeating our daily mantra……. No speeding tickets, no parking tickets, and we are NOT going to end up in the ‘idiots’ box on the Lindisfarne causeway!!!! We firmly believe it’s just a ‘one-off, well let’s face it, as from tomorrow, Sunday 13 June it won’t just be M&A on a road trip. We’ll be joined by Sir Winston, he of the four legged hairy variety……Maice’s new puppy! You may think we travelled with a lot of ‘stuff’ on this vacation. You will not believe what we’ll be adding to that……….doggie bed, doggie cage, doggie toys, doggie food, booster seat (yes, you heard correctly)……….the list goes on. So two will become three! There’ll be a ‘new boy’ on the blog! Our first vacation with Sir Winston will at the end of September, to Brixham in Devon. Four women and a puppy! What could possibly go wrong!

M&A xx

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