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Day 4: 9 July - Fairies, Castles and White Cattle…..whatever next!


(We still haven’t sorted out our website so no photos will be displayed on this blog…….so please refer to our ‘gowiththeflow’ facebook page to view our gorgeous photos…..)

‘Bore da’…….

Last night, over our bangers and mash supper we had a conflab as to what we were going to do today and after some deliberation, looking through the tourist leaflets and checking distances on the map we plumped for a) Newton House at Dinefwr, a National Trust property, b) Dinefwr Castle and c) the town of Carmarthen. Both Abi and Jane are members of the NT and Abi also had two free vouchers so none of us would have to pay to get in. If time allowed we thought we might pop across to the town of Carmarthen as we’ve been told that not only is it supposedly the oldest town in Wales it’s also something all visitors to the county should experience. Apparently!

We found ourselves back outside on the patio enjoying an al-fresco breakfast as it was such a lovely sunny morning although as usual, rain has been forecast at some point today. We packed up the car, Jane in the passenger seat and SatNav Marsha guiding us to our destination where we arrived thirty minutes later after a couple of deviations! The surrounding countryside was very scenic, the grass was green and the iconic White Park cattle were making the most of the sunshine, strutting their stuff with their cute calves in tow. We marvelled at the Fairy garden but unfortunately we didn’t see any fairies……I think they only come out at night when there’s no-one around! Getting our priorities in the right order we found the cafe, ordered our drinks and sat outside in the sunshine before heading off into the house. Luckily for Winston dogs are allowed into the ground floor and basement areas of the house so at least he too could engage in some culture. The house was really interesting and when it came to going upstairs we took it two by two. Two of us sat outside in the gardens with Winston whilst two of us viewed the upstairs. By the time Maice and I were viewing the upstairs the weather had changed completely, the heavens opened, the rain came down and there was thunder and lightning. The cows took refuge under the copse of trees in the middle of the field and Abi and Jane brought a very spooked Winston from the garden into the house. Bless him, he was really scared. With that we headed back to the cafe where we enjoyed a light lunch after which the sun came out and we ventured forth and took a leisurely stroll up to Dinefwr castle. The views from the battlements were quite stunning and how lucky we were to see the countryside in bright sunshine. It really had turned out to be a beautiful day.

In fact, we’d spent most of the day at Dinefwr that we didn’t have time to visit Carmarthen so at 4pm we headed home. We’re leaving tomorrow morning so have a lot to do when we get back…, drink, pack, watch the tennis!!

Nos da……. M&A, A&A & SW xxxxx

Bore da…… hey it’s Monday 10th July and we’ve got to vacate the lovely Beudy Tawe at 10am so it’s all systems go. We finished packing our bags, stripped the beds, quickly ran the hoover round, had a light breakfast, packed up the car and by 9.30am we’d dropped the keys off in the allotted place and we were off. For the last time we drove down the very steep and narrow hill and made our way back to Dorset. Forty minutes into our journey we stopped off for a much needed coffee and continued on our way feeling more awake and alert than we had when we left.

Felly, (so, in Welsh) what can we say about our Welsh holiday other than it’s been great. Us four ladies, us four friends and Sir Winston have had a fabulous holiday and we’ve been lucky to have such lovely warm and sunny weather and even when it did rain it didn’t deter us. Wales is such a beautiful country, there’s so much to see and do, so much history and culture and its beaches are beautiful. In fact there’s something here for everyone. Beudy Tawe, our cottage was spic and span, very comfortable, fantastic views, quiet and what a great place to unwind. We’d definitely recommend it.

Felly, another holiday has come and gone and where are M&A we off to next? Italy. October…….

Alla prossima!!!

M&A xx

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