We’re happy to report that normal service has been resumed within the keep-fit department. We woke up today eagerly looking forward to busting some yoga moves, doing some stretches and perambulating around the neighbourhood at a fast pace in order to get our steps in. Time was of the essence as we were off to a ‘ladies’ tea party and we had to be there no later than 12.30pm. Tara had already received a message from Michelle, the host to not be late….obviously Tara’s time keeping is renowned in those circles!
Yoga completed, we set off on our short walk, neither of us taking a cardigan out with us as the temperature over the last few days has been really warm. What we hadn’t taken into account with today’s weather was the wind chill factor. We started walking and soon our hands and feet were feeling the freeze. Gosh it was chilly, but we soldiered on until we came to the Bean Scene cafe and enjoyed a lovely cappuccino outside in the sunshine. 5,000 steps later we were home, had a quick breakfast, showered, finished decorating our hats and were stood at the bus stop waiting for the 10.58am bus to Rutland. We aimed to get to Tara’s house by midday where Dave was then dropping us off at Michelle’s place. The bus arrived on time and we hopped on, looking forward to our bus journey across town keeping an eye out for the Moyer Road bus-stop which Tara told Maice was the one to get off at.

It wasn’t the most comfortable of bus rides due to a) it was very hot onboard with not one window being open and we were concerned the sunflowers in our hats might wilt b) the seats were quite high which meant Maice’s legs were left dangling over the edge of the seat c) it was a very bumpy ride and d) there was lots of hard braking when it came to stopping at the bus stops! I would like to say that we made it all the way to the Moyer Road bus-stop without incident but I’m afraid I can’t. As we came into Rutland and the bus trundled down the very long road Maice doubted herself as to which bus-stop to get off. The bus stopped at McCurdy Road and Maice declares “Oh I think this is the stop we need” so off the bus we got. Of course it wasn’t the correct bus stop but I suppose it did begin with an M so an easy mistake to make particularly with someone whose name also begins with an M! We ended up walking down the long road, past three other bus stops before we came to Moyer Road where we turned right and walked up another very long road to Tara’s house. We eventually arrived, thankfully on time and whilst waiting for Tara to sort out the food hamper Miller their gorgeous, huge Labrador had a photo shoot with Maice. He was asked to ‘strike a pose’ but the only pose he struck was lying prostrate on the floor and he didn’t move a muscle!

Apparently every year Michelle invites her ladies around for a ‘tea-party’ and they sit eloquently in chairs, wearing their requisite decorated hats, sip tea and chat, then they have a craft session where they make something crafty. Ha ha, only kidding, it’s nothing like that at all. There were a few boxes of tea-bags for effect and then there was this huge barrel full of ice and alcohol and then there were cool-boxes full of alcohol that the ‘ladies’ had brought. Introductions were made, hats were admired, the alcohol was poured and us twelve ladies eventually sat down eagerly awaiting instructions on how to decorate our wine bottles. Yes, we were decorating empty wine bottles into the style of a lighthouse, inserting a solar light into the top and voila, we should have a lovely hand painted lamp. We were decorating in stages, so after the first stage was done which was painting on the base layer, lunch was served. All the ladies had brought an offering of food which looked and indeed tasted absolutely delicious. After lunch it was back to the wine bottles, this time we had to decorate them in whatever style we liked and the results were a multifarious collection of assorted lighthouses in different colours and styles. They looked great displayed all together on the table and we went around admiring each other’s handiwork and took lots of photos. Having remembered to bring the ‘selfie’ stick with us we tried to get the ladies to strike a pose but it was like herding cats trying to get them all together. Finally, after what felt like half an hour everyone was in place and the ‘photo-shoot’ began. We did have a laugh trying to get the perfect shot but are they perfect, well not quite but it just adds to the madness of the day. We sat around drinking and chatting and before we knew it darkness had descended on the deck so we moved undercover of the awning and sat around the fire-pit admiring our lighthouses which had now lit up. We played a couple of word games and then it was time to leave. Dave came to fetch us and loaded seven of us ladies into the car where he promptly dropped us off at our respective homes. Dave we salute you!

We think we got home some time after 10pm although it would have been later if we’d taken up the offer of a session in the hot tub from one of the ladies we dropped off, which fortunately we didn’t. We held a post mortem of the days events and regaled the stories to Myrna as we sat around the kitchen table. Ah, what a great day we had. So, we’d like to give a shout out to The Real Housewives of Kelowna, and in particular to Michelle for being such a great host. We’ve had a blast, it was a pleasure to meet you all and it’s been memorable!
Tomorrow afternoon we’re off to the posh Hotel Eldorado to meet up with a collection of family and friends. Who knows who or how many will be there but I’m sure it will be another memorable occasion.
Night all ….M&A xx