I woke at 6am with a rather deep husky voice, and, may I add, a rather sexy voice.......this being the remnants of, or quite possibly the start of another bout of 'the flu'! Must take another Beecham's Powder (other medicines are available) as I don't want to have this when I'm away.
Milly was despatched once again to her favourite cattery. I think she enjoys it there, in fact I'm sure she does as she never seems to complain, and then I went and had a spot of breakfast at the Horse with the Red Umbrella. I must say they were not the merriest bunch this morning.....John was suffering with the dreaded lurgy, and when he suffers everyone else suffers too......that's just the way it is!
And then it was off to pick up Maice. Our flight wasn't until 7.35pm that evening so as we like to make a day of it we thought we'd stop off at Shepton Mallett as the images and write up on 't'internet' give it a glowing report, and as neither of us had been before we were looking forward to visiting this 'quaint little market town'.
SatNav Steve was guiding us once again and we arrived in Shepton Mallet at midday, put three hours on the car parking and set off to explore, two coffee's being our first port of call. We wandered round and round in search of a coffee shop but to no avail, and very strange, there didn't seem to be much open on this normal Saturday day. Finally, as we were walking away from the town we found a large cafe and had the misfortune of sitting on the next table to two older women, one of whom was the owner of a very loud voice and proceeded to tell not only her friend but everyone else in the cafe about all her ailments! It wasn't a pleasant experience but luckily it didn't put us off our whitebait and triple fried chips!
We spent all of ten minutes, if that, looking round the 'quaint market town' that is Shepton Mallett before we'd had enough and headed back to my trusted Nissan, Missy Micra. What to do now? It was only 12.50, we had another seven hours to kill. We decided to drive slowly to the airport and on the way we sang a bit of car-aoke to the 1982 hits show on Radio 2. Some people are blessed with singing voices but unfortunately Maice and I aren't.........in fact it's fair to say we murdered Lionel Richie's song 'Truly', sounding more like a pair of scrapping cats than the two sophisticated females that we are! Never mind, we fared better with the next song....'Best years of our lives'!
Fortunately we were at the airport before we could ruin David Bowie and Bing Crosby's version of Drummer Boy and made it through customs with oh, at least six hours to spare. What to do now? It was obvious, a regrouping was necessary, so we found the nearest bar, ordered two large glasses of wine and deliberated our options. They were quite few actually, so we got the cards out and commenced with the 'Budapest Rummy Tournament'. Having won the Christmas Tournament I was hoping my good luck would stay with me!
The flight was delayed by 45 minutes by which time we were getting decidedly red faced. Since we'd arrived the airport must have had its heating on to the maximum, it was that hot. We'd stripped down to a decent level but even then we were baking. It was no different on the plane, it was painfully hot and uncomfortable and to make matters worse this twenty year old sat by Maice starts to paint her nails while the plane was beginning to taxi away from the stand. Unbelievable. The fumes from the varnish was so strong and mixed with the heat in the plane, ugh! Honestly some people have absolutely no sense whatsoever! We had to order ourselves two bottles of Prosecco to recover!
We finally arrived on Hungarian soil at 11.25pm. ….the pilot had actually made up good time and our pre-booked taxi was almost on time. He wasn't the most communicative of drivers, in fact I don't think he spoke one word to us, he just grunted at us which we took as a sign to follow him to the taxi. He spent most of the time trying to sort something out on the floor by his feet and watching the video on the monitor in the car! We're sure he must have had one eye on the road, which one it was we've no idea.
We were met by a pyjama clad Pearl and Dianne, and Mark and his mate Brian took our drinks orders. All very civilised, I must say. Ah, a nice glass of Hungarian white wine washed down with a Beecham's Powder for my cold….. what more could we ask for? Bed was what we wanted. We were looking forward to sinking into a nice warm cosy bed and sleeping away all the aches and pains from a very, very, very long day of travelling. Unfortunately it wasn't to be. Our beds are rock solid with absolutely no 'give', the duvets are half size, the pillows are the size of a small duvet and the second pillow is the size of a flannel.....what's that all about!
By this time we were past caring. We opened the windows, let in the cool air to cool down our baking hot apartment and hoped we wouldn't be inundated by any flying 'Stink Bugs'! Just let us have a decent nights sleep.......please!
A&M x