Another wet and windy night was turning into another wet and windy day! The bells were ringing continuously to announce to the village of Stoke Fleming that Christmas Day twas’ here! At 7am a sleepy Winston was forcibly dressed in his yellow fluorescent waterproof jacket and reluctantly taken outside into the rain spattered streets to pee and poo. Mission accomplished we came back home, made our lemon water, which helps detox the body, poured ourselves a glass of champagne and made our way back to my bed. We had things to do, it being Christmas Day and all. First things first. We let Winston open one of his presents which was a squeaky Woodstock doggy toy which he loved and which he insisted on us throwing up and down the bed for him to fetch. It obviously wore him out because ten minutes later he was fast asleep in the middle of the bed cuddled up with his new friend Woodstock!

With champagne glasses in hand, at 8.30am we made a few Christmas FaceTime chats to a) Abigail who was fast asleep when we called but still managed to talk to us and b) Nikki who was up but hadn’t yet poured her glass of champagne. Nonetheless we had a lovely chat, wished each other a day filled with good cheer and then Maice and I had a conflab about what we were going to do with the day ahead.
What with it being Christmas Day and the fact that it was still wet and windy we thought we’d mix the day up a bit. We’ve decided we’re going for our walk before breakfast, then we’ll come home, shower, wash our hair, don some Christmas sparkle and sit down to a leisurely champagne breakfast. And that’s exactly what we did. We think Winston would have preferred to have stayed at home, nicely cocooned in his bean-bag but no, once again he was forcibly dressed in his wet-weather outfit, honestly if looks could kill! We took him to the local recreational field where he had a good run round and by the time we got home we were totally drenched. Thankfully Winston didn’t need to go in the sink again, a good rub down did the trick today, and with that he took himself off back to his bean-bag to sulk.
Our late breakfast, aka brunch was a fine affair; champagne, orange and tomato juice, salmon and scrambled egg, mushrooms cooked in Port, cherry tomatoes, bagels……we were stuffed and wondered if we’d have room for our Christmas dinner later on. Maice, who’s in charge of stacking the dishwasher reported that as we only had 3 dishwasher tablets left she would wash the dishes by hand. You’d think that as we’re here for eight days we’d be left with 8 dishwasher tablets but no, we were left with 5 hence why we had to resort to washing the dishes by hand. Good luck Maice with cleaning the pan used for the scrambled egg! Why is it that it doesn’t matter what type of pan you use for scrambled egg, the egg always sticks to the pan? We’ve run out of eggs now so there’ll be a different breakfast menu from tomorrow onwards.
Just before breakfast we’d congregated in the lounge to unwrap all our presents. Winston did very well; he got his squeaky Woodstock toy from his grandmother in Canada, a squeaky cracker toy from Milly (my cat) and a new jumper outfit from Maice’s neighbour, Helen. Didn’t he do well. Maice and I opened our presents and oohed and aahed at all the lovely gifts we got. People have been so generous it’s been lovely.
After our delicious a-la-carte brunch we retired to the lounge where Maice and Winston enjoyed a post brunch siesta…..well, it had been a hectic Christmas Day so far!! I stayed awake and worked on yesterday’s blog, then at 3pm we found ourselves sat on our sofas’ watching the Kings speech, the Kings speech that is, not the film. Then, as we were feeling really lazy and due to the very inclement weather outside we watched Death on the Nile. Well, you can’t beat a bit of Agatha Christie on Christmas Day! Sounds like all we did was watch TV because after Agatha Christie we watched the new Doctor Who programme. Well, it was different but what did we think of the all-singing, maybe to be all-dancing new Dr Who. Well, it was certainly different and the Doctor and his assistant Ruby Sunday were very likeable so we think it will be a hit and even though it was a bit cheesy we did enjoy it.
We eventually woke Winston up from his slumbers and took him out for his afternoon constitutional…...yes it was still raining and he still hadn’t forgiven us for this morning! Never mind, he can stay on his bean-bag until at least 10pm!
Due to us mixing things up this Christmas Day we’ve decided to forgo our Salmon-en-Croute Christmas dinner, served with a selection of seasonal veg followed by Christmas pudding, aka a sticky toffee pudding and substitute it for a cheese selection. We had a stinky French cheese in the fridge that we needed to eat and each time we opened the fridge door the smell of the cheese stank the room out. Plus, we were still stuffed from our brunch, plus we wouldn’t have had time to prepare the Salmon and enjoy a leisurely meal as we were due a Zoom call with the Schrader family in Germany at 7.30pm.
After our zoom call with the Germans, Maice went into the kitchen to prepare our cheese supper. A shriek emanated from within and rushing in found Maice pointing to the counter top where, in front of the bottle of Shiraz (other wines are available) was mini-me, off-spring of Slug who was happily crawling its way along the counter top! Honestly, where are they coming from? Mini-me was duly despatched to the outside plant pot where hopefully it will reside, at least until we leave on Friday. Returning to a Slug free kitchen Maice carried out the supper preparations and we finally enjoyed our bread and cheese selection sat on the sofa watching TV.

What a lazy day we’ve had. It’s a shame the weather wasn’t the best else we’d have been out walking most of the day but hey, every time we visit Devon it rains so we weren’t really surprised that the weather has been this inclement.
At 10pm we took Winston out for his final walk of the day and couldn’t quite believe it. It had actually stopped raining. According to the weather forecast it wasn’t going to rain now until tomorrow evening so fingers crossed they are actually correct for once.
So, Christmas Day is waning and we’re off to our beds. It’s been a quiet day, a lazy day, but hey it’s been enjoyable….and on that note we hope you’ve had a lovely day too.
Night all or as they say here in Devon, Night all…….!
M, A and Sir Winston xxx
