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Dorset: Day 5 – 27.07.20……….. Is it raining! We hadn’t noticed!


Updated: Oct 2, 2023

It’s good to plan. We’d kept our eye on the weather forecast and made our plans around the weather, and just as well we did. Look at it today! It’s raining, that ‘wet’ rain, you know the stuff that gets you very wet. Yuk!

Thankfully we were having a day indoors, home-schooling ourselves in the art of a) how to use our ipads more effectively b) how to use our cameras more effectively and c) how to manage our website more effectively. Using my place as the ‘nerve centre’ for these home-schooling actives, Maice drove round at 11am in the pouring rain, then we went out, in the pouring rain, bags packed with our ipads, cameras and phones, walked through town to Coffee 1, found a table, ordered two double espresso frappes and two welsh cakes and settled down to begin the task at hand. To say we were absolutely drenched when we arrived was an understatement. Not only were we wet through, we were cold too and all hopes that we would soon warm up and dry out quickly whilst indoors soon dissipated due to the main doors being kept wide open, causing a severe draft. Probably the cold frappes didn’t help and after we’d drunk those we had to order two cappuccinos to warm us up.

We did as much home-schooling as we possibly could under the circumstances but unfortunately we didn’t manage to look at our cameras, neither did we learn much about our iPads, other than know how to move icons around from one screen to another and locate documents in our one-drive. We did check out our website and found out how to respond to a comment, so at least we can say we‘ve made some progress! Maybe this home-schooling vibe is not for us due to the fact that we keep getting distracted by one thing or another!

After almost two hours of sitting in our wet clothes in Coffee 1 we bought a loaf of bread for lunch and walked back to my place through the Borough Gardens. We’d only taken two photos by this time, the obligatory ‘selfie’ which we took when we left my place to start Day 4 of our staycation and a photo of our frappes and welsh cakes. Not exactly riveting……we needed some more. So we took it upon oursleves to hold an impromptu ‘photo-shoot’ as we walked through the gardens. With all the flowers looking extremely lovely this time of year particularly today, with the rain droplets glistening on their petals and leaves, they were very photogenic. Having watched CountryFile yesterday evening, I’ve set us both a challenge that we’re going to put an entry into the CountryFile 2021 Calendar competition. The theme is Bright and Beautiful so what a great way to learn more about how our cameras function in order to take those award winning shots! Just need to find out when the closing date is!

Back home we had a light lunch of bread, cheese, olives and sun dried tomatoes, all washed down with a few pints of water. We would like to point out that neither of us have participated in the consuming of any alcoholic beverage on any of our days out, or in! Just saying! We contemplated watching a movie but then we became engrossed in trying to upload our very own movie video onto our website which took at least six attempts, reading and re-reading the ‘how to’ information, googling the difference between 4K, 360p, 540p, HD-720p, HD-1080p......I mean, what sort of language is this? We’re still none the wiser but after our video gave up the ghost and locked us out after thirty minutes of being in upload mode we too gave up. It was now 6.30pm. We had intended to increase our stepage and go out for an afternoon walk now that it had finally stopped raining. We’d only managed to walk a mere 3,000 steps and covered just 1.1 mile, but we couldn‘t muster the enthusiasm to go for an early evening walk. I think we were feeling a bit ’Milly-fied’ at this point, you know, tired. I know that’s what cats do but she’s been asleep on the bed for most of the time we’ve been in the house! Ah well, we’ll just have to take some extra steps on our outing tomorrow!

And as for tomorrow, Day 5 of our staycation is a very special day. Not only is it Maices birthday but a friend of ours Beccy is also celebrating her, am I allowed to say, 50th birthday. So Beccy, even though this blog relates to Monday‘s staycation, it doesn’t get posted until the morning after which is your birthday, so here’s a birthday card we made earlier........featuring the one and only Marvin whose becoming quite the celebrity. I would like to point out that no harm came to him in the making of this card, which was not the case for the poor unfortunate champagne flute which met it’s end on the balcony floor! Actually, I would like to share with you the long and somewhat confusing discussions and deliberations Maice and I had over the publishing of said birthday card. Me believing it should be published with the day 4 blog on the 5th day and Maice believing it should be published with the day 5 blog on the 6th day. As long as Beccy gets it on her birthday, which is tomorrow, that’s all that matters!!

Until tomorrow........and we wish everyone who is celebrating their birthdays, a very Happy Birthday!

M&A xx

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